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“Big Results. Big Impact.” Update

December 17, 2014

By Pat Geraghty

Florida Blue chairman and CEO and 2014 United Way campaign chair, Pat Geraghty
Florida Blue chairman and CEO and 2014 United Way campaign chair, Pat Geraghty
Since launching Oct. 8, the 2014 United Way campaign, “Big Results. Big Impact.” is engaging more members of our community to make a positive and lasting impact in Northeast Florida.  I am proud to announce that Florida Blue is on track to complete United Way of Northeast Florida’s first ever $2 million workplace campaign, and I am pleased to report a few more early successes:

  • Baptist Health’s “Peace, Love, United” campaign resulted in $1.08 million in donations, making them the newest member of the million dollar companies.
  • We’ve welcomed 34 new members to the Tocqueville Society who have made a personal pledge of $10,000 or more in annual giving.
  • The new Builders Society affinity group, consisting of donors who give $2,500 or more, brought together more than 50 members for the inaugural event at CoRK Arts District.
  • Corporate volunteerism has reached record highs with more than 2,200 volunteers contributing 13,977 hours to date through company Days of Caring and volunteer events.

Demonstrating that our united efforts achieve positive outcomes and build powerful networks, together, we are making a big impact on Northeast Florida. Whether you’re part of a workplace campaign, an affinity group, or a team of willing volunteers, you are playing an important role in building a better community for all.

During this holiday season, I want to personally thank you for your year-round work to make a difference in our community.  I am deeply grateful to be surrounded by caring neighbors and colleagues who consistently demonstrate that great things happen when we Live United.

Wishing you all the best,

Pat Geraghty