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Community Partners

Because change doesn’t happen alone.

Change Through Collaboration and Innovation

At United Way of Northeast Florida, we're all about taking on the big challenges head-on. From developing and leading community solutions to investing in programs with proven results, we're committed to making a difference. We believe in the power of teamwork, which is why we strategically partner with organizations and invest in programs that share our mission to improve economic mobility for Northeast Florida residents.

Applications for the Full Service Schools request for proposals (RFP) for behavioral and mental health services are now open.

Full Service Schools connects nearly 3,500 students and families to a critical range of therapeutic, health and social services and addresses non-academic barriers to success in school. Administered by United Way of Northeast Florida, the initiative is now seeking mental health providers for Duval County Public Schools.

Governmental entities, for-profit and nonprofit organizations that can provide mental health services to Duval County residents for at least one school year are invited to apply. Proposals will be accepted until 5 p.m., March 14.

This grant opportunity offers grantees up to four years of funding. If awarded a contract, an organization could be eligible for renewal of these services for an additional three years. Funding for this grant cycle is made possible by Duval County Public Schools, the City of Jacksonville via the Kids Hope Alliance, Lucy Gooding Charitable Foundation Trust and United Way.

United Way will host two virtual information sessions: Feb. 13 at 9 a.m. and Feb. 18 at 3 p.m. Participation in an information session is encouraged but not mandatory. Both sessions provide the same information; you only need to attend one. Interested organizations can sign up for a session below.

Review the RFP Apply Now RFP Workshop Registration

Previous Funding Opportunities

Basic needs and financial well-being grants

Oct. 17, 2024

$5 million in grants were awarded to fund programs addressing basic needs and financial well-being. 501(c)(3) organizations in Duval, Baker, Clay, Nassau and northern St. Johns counties received funding through this 18-month grant cycle to support families living below the ALICE threshold.

Read the full list of grantees
Racial equity micro-grant

July 3, 2024

With support from Miller Electric Company, a Community Equity Needs Assessment was conducted with 904WARD and the University of North Florida. The needs in Northeast Florida were assessed, and in response, the Racial Equity Microgrant was created to help address disparities through partnerships with community groups, nonprofits and local organizations that are traditionally left out of grant processes.

Read the full list of grantees
Read the blog

Check out our blog for more information on grant opportunities and grantees.

Read the blog

Grant Applications

Discover how United Way of Northeast Florida is revolutionizing the grant application process with our cutting-edge grants portal. Follow these step-by-step instructions to establish your agency profile if you're new to our funding system. Unlock opportunities now by clicking the button below to access the portal and embark on your journey towards securing vital funding for your community projects.

How to Create Your Agency Profile

  1. Click on this link or the button above.
  2. Take a moment to review the brief video tutorials on the login page.
  3. Click on “Create a New Account,” and set up your agency profile.
  4. Once you have completed the agency profile, you are finished. When a grant application is released, it will show up on the dashboard. You can then complete the application and submit.

Need assistance? Email the Grants team at unitedwaygrants@nulluwnefl.org.