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Stein Fellowship

The Stein Fellowship is a distinctive year-long initiative focused on community engagement and multi-generational mentoring. Its goal is to cultivate the next generation of philanthropic leaders among young professionals.

Building a Legacy of Future Leaders

Established by esteemed philanthropists David and Linda Stein, the Stein Fellowship offers a comprehensive year-long immersion into leadership and mentorship. This transformative program is tailored to equip young professionals with the vital skills necessary for effective philanthropic leadership. With a steadfast commitment to nurturing rising leaders dedicated to community enhancement, participants are empowered to experience significant personal and professional growth.

The Stein Fellowship, a testament to United Way's commitment to Northeast Florida, is more than just a leadership program. It's an investment in the growth and empowerment of future leaders deeply committed to our community. This initiative plays a crucial role in United Way's vision for sustainable prosperity, aligning with our mission to drive positive change and foster success throughout the region.

"This unique to Jacksonville program was built on the premise to pay it forward. While the work is limited to a year, the benefits provided can last a lifetime. There is no better way to truly Live United."

David Miller, former Stein Fellowship chair and Tocqueville Society mentor


About the Program

The Stein Fellowship offers a year-long immersive leadership and mentorship journey. Each fall, a meticulous selection process identifies a rising leader through comprehensive application, interview and recommendation procedures. Once chosen, each Fellow serves as a Big Brothers, Big Sisters mentor throughout the academic year. Additionally, a member of United Way’s esteemed Tocqueville Society is paired with a Stein Fellow, fostering professional skills and nurturing relationships, all aimed at the collective mission of giving back.


Framed within the vision of philanthropists David and Linda Stein, the fellowship program makes a significant impact on our community through multi-generational connections aligned with United Way’s core values. It strives to cultivate a legacy of leadership by identifying, engaging, and empowering a diverse group of young professionals who aspire to success through a philanthropic lens.


Who are the Fellows?

Stein Fellows graduates are integral members of a dynamic global community comprised of dedicated young professionals deeply invested in both their local communities and philanthropic pursuits.


  • Rising or mid-career leaders devoted to philanthropy, community and progress
  • Full-time residents of Northeast Florida
  • At least two years of industry experience
  • People, process and project management savvy
  • Thought leaders and committed to regular mentoring sessions


Fellowship Commitment and Expectations

Upon acceptance into the fellowship, members will receive a comprehensive calendar outlining events for the upcoming year. Fellows are expected to prioritize attendance to minimize absences throughout the program.


  • Applicants must be aged between 21 and 40 years old.
  • Applicants must also join United Way’s Atlantic Circle rising professionals group, with an annual commitment of $500. You can contribute now or through your workplace campaign.
  • Fellows are required to commit to a weekly one-hour mentoring session, not including travel time.
  • Any unexcused absence from a scheduled Big Brothers Big Sisters visit may result in termination of the fellowship.
  • Attendance at all events is mandatory, except for one permitted absence during the program with prior notification. These exciting collaborations include mentoring orientations, Meet ALICE simulation, volunteer opportunities, leadership retreat, community conversations and more!


Fellowship Application Requirement and Process

A selection committee of Stein Fellowship alumni and respected members of the Tocqueville Society will carefully assess all applications to ensure a fair and comprehensive evaluation.


Prospective applicants are required to complete the following steps:

  • Fill out and submit the online application form. Note that incomplete applications will not be considered, so please ensure all sections are completed accurately.
  • Submit a current resume detailing your professional experience, qualifications and relevant achievements.
  • Provide a video message responding to the prompt, “Humans created poverty. How can we as humans solve for poverty in Northeast Florida?” The video should be two minutes or less in duration in .mp4 format.
  • Obtain a letter of recommendation from your current employer, preferably on official letterhead, along with contact information for referral purposes.
  • Secure a letter of personal recommendation from a coworker or previous manager (non-family member), including personal contact information for referral verification.
  • Make a minimum gift or pledge of $500, serving as membership into the Atlantic Circle rising professionals group. This contribution must be directed to United Way’s Community Impact Fund and should not include corporate match programs. Donations can be made through your employer’s United Way corporate campaign or online.*
  • For information on the Stein Fellowship Class of 2025 rubric, click here.

*Recurring gifts (weekly, monthly, or quarterly) are permitted as long as the $500 is paid in full by the end of the fellowship year (graduation).

Class of 2025 Applications Are Closed

Applications for the prestigious Class of 2025 are closed. Stay tuned for more information on the new Fellowship members.