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Give a little inspiration: John Klopfenstein

November 15, 2016

GT Klopfenstein
As a child, John  admired his mother for her United Way involvement. To follow in her footsteps, John has not only invested his dollars, but also his talents in United Way. His involvement spans more than two decades, and he is confident his support makes a difference in the lives of those in need across Northeast Florida.

John has dedicated many hours to helping young professionals become big-hearted community leaders through United Way’s Stein Fellowship initiative. Stein Fellowship is a one-of-a kind opportunity that gives young professionals the opportunity to be mentored by the most successful and connected leaders in the Jacksonville area. John is constantly inspired by his mentee’s experiences and the difference they are able to make in the lives of students.

“It really touches you when you meet people who have been impacted by a United Way program, hear their story, and how it has changed them,” said John.

At United Way of Northeast Florida, dollars raised here stay here, making the biggest impact in improving quality of life for our local area. It takes the entire community to make a difference, and we need you. So, join John and hundreds of other United Way supporters in participating in a national day of giving, #GivingTuesday, Nov. 29.

Stay tuned to our blog to learn how you can #MakeYourMoment on #GivingTuesday and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.