Rosa grew up surrounded by close-knit friends and family in Puerto Rico. She was committed to excelling in school and was a hard worker from a young age. It was that dedication to learning and expanding her knowledge that helped Rosa discover her talent with numbers and helping others.
That’s why she began working with United Way’s RealSense initiative as a volunteer tax preparer. She loves seeing the faces of her clients light up when they see their refunds.
Rosa has helped RealSense further expand its free-tax preparation and financial education services, including teaching financial workshops in Spanish throughout the community.
“It’s using the three Ts: time, talent, treasure,” said Luna.
Contributions are invested in proven solutions led by volunteers who direct and monitor results of United Way allocations to create a better life for all in our five-county region. So, join Rosa and hundreds of other United Way supporters in participating in a national day of giving, #GivingTuesday, Nov. 29.
Stay tuned to our blog to learn how you can #MakeYourMoment on #GivingTuesday and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.