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Latest ALICE report reveals 39% of Northeast Florida households struggle to make ends meet

April 26, 2023



Addressing Financial Hardship in Northeast Florida

Financial Hardship Statistics

A recent report from United Way of Northeast Florida and United For ALICE reveals that over 39% of households in Northeast Florida are struggling financially. This includes more than 74,000 households in poverty and over 176,000 ALICE families. The report also highlights significant differences in financial hardship, with 51% of Black households and 44% of Hispanic households in Northeast Florida below the ALICE threshold compared to 34% of white households. 

Impact of the Pandemic

According to the ALICE report, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated financial challenges, but public assistance, such as tax credits and stimulus payments, helped alleviate the crisis. Despite the challenges brought on by the pandemic, the report shows that job disruptions and inflation caused significant financial pain. Still, the assistance measures and rising wages helped mitigate a more profound economic crisis.

ALICE Household Survival Budget

The annual ALICE Household Survival Budget for a family of four in Northeast Florida was $84,072 in 2021, reflecting the minimum cost to live and work in the region. The report also emphasizes that the local cost of living remained substantially higher than the Federal Poverty Level of $26,500.

United Way’s Initiatives

United Way is actively addressing these challenges through initiatives like its affordable housing task force and a $9 million investment to improve economic mobility across Northeast Florida. 

Take Action

Support United Way’s efforts to alleviate financial hardship in Northeast Florida through volunteering, corporate engagement, or contributions. Join us in creating positive change today. To read the full ALICE in the Crosscurrents: COVID and Financial Hardship in Florida report and to access the interactive ALICE data dashboards, visit unitedwaynefl.org/alice.

To speak to United Way leadership about the report, contact Sarah Henderson, vice president of marketing and communications, at sarahh@nulluwnefl.org.