LIVE UNITED is a call to reach out a hand to one and improve the quality of life for all. It’s about impact, passion and action. In the series “Living United is…”, we share personal posts from our staff about how and why they choose to live united.
Today’s post features RealSense‘s Rebecca Thompson and her humorous take on how living united means some peace and quiet around the house.
There are at least four reasons why I LIVE UNITED. Their names are Joshua, Aaron, Seth and Benjamin. As the mother of four boys, I understand the importance of United Way initiatives and funded programs that support education, income and health. See, I dream of the day that these four boys will grow up and no longer live with me, and will not leave the lights and TVs on in rooms that they are not in, go through a gallon of milk in 3 days, and the revolving door on my refrigerator and pantry will be restored once again to the regular open and shut doors.
Rebecca lives united so that Joshua, Aaron, Seth and Benjamin can have a good education, stable income and healthy lives.
I know that my dream can only become a reality when my sons are off to college, or gainfully employed. A lot of people don’t think about college until high school. Not me. Like United Way, I understand that the path to college starts before kindergarten. That’s why programs like ReadingPals and Success By 6, that help children get the tools they need to be “ready to learn” before kindergarten are so valuable. I also know that it’s a lot easier to focus on parenting, helping with homework and put the energy towards my sons’ education when I’m not worried about my family’s financial situation. That’s why programs like United Way’s RealSense that promote financial stability put me one step closer to seeing my dream come true. Let’s face it – my boys can’t learn when they’re home sick and not in school. So I try to make sure I feed them a good wholesome meal (as much as I can), and get them to the doctor regularly to make sure they stay healthy… Still working towards that dream. United Way’s new partnership with Cover Jax is working to make sure all of the kids in our area have healthcare coverage so they can get regular checkups and visit the doctor if they ever get sick too.
I LIVE UNITED because one day, I hope to live in a house that is not concurrently inhabited by anyone named Joshua, Aaron, Seth or Benjamin Thompson. The fact that I get to work here is just icing on the cake.”