How do I apply for emergency rental or utility assistance?
There are three ways a person can apply:
1. Online: The fastest and easiest way for tenants and landlords to apply is online at the following mobile-friendly website:
You can also text APPLY to 211904 to access the application.
2. Drop-off sites: Paper applications will be available for pick-up and drop-off only at the sites listed below. Walk-ins only. No appointments needed.
3. In-person application assistance: In-person application navigators will be available to help complete applications on behalf of an applicant. Limited in-person assistance will be available by appointment only at the following locations:
Drop-Off Sites Only
Pick-up and drop-off locations available for walk-ins only, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. from March 29 to April 9, 2021.
1. Catholic Charities – Jacksonville
40 East Adams Street, Suite 310 (Jessie Ball duPont Center)
Jacksonville, FL 32202
2. Beaches Emergency Assistance Ministry (B.E.A.M.)
850 6th Avenue South, Suite 400
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
3. City of Jacksonville Housing and Community Development Division
Ed Ball Building
214 N. Hogan St. 7th Floor
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Drop-Off and In-Person Application Assistance Sites
Limited in-person assistance available by appointment only. Call 211 or 904-632-0600 starting Monday, March 29, 2021.
Pick-up and drop-off locations available for walk-ins only, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. from March 29 to April 9, 2021.
**DESC only: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to noon.**
1. Jewish Family & Community Services
6261 Dupont Station Ct.
Jacksonville, FL 32217
2. Wealth Watchers
5310 Lenox Avenue, Suite 22 (Kingdom Plaza)
Jacksonville, FL 32205
3. Downtown Ecumenical Services Council (DESC)
215 N. Ocean Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202