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AFL Mentor Spotlight: Shelby Babson

October 6, 2017

Burney - Babson


Mentor: Shelby Babson, MOJOs Bar-B-Que

  • What do you enjoy the most about mentoring?
    • I enjoy seeing her grow as a student and person. Seeing her academic and social skills grow make it all worthwhile.
  • How long have you been mentoring?
    • Six months.
  • What are some of things you and your mentee do during your session?
    • We typically enjoy talking about life and studying together. This year we plan on reading books together and discussing them.
  • What inspired you to become a mentor?
    • I was taking a college course centered on children and it inspired me to volunteer. Doing some research led me to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Florida.
  • What are some goals that you and your mentee set?
    • We are working on improving her reading level and emotional well-being.
  • What is your favorite memory with your mentee so far?
    • Her face lit up when I came to visit her. I think about that moment all the time. Knowing that I have such an impact on someone’s day is a wonderful feeling.
  • Is there anything you would like to share with others about your mentoring experience?
    • The match is not just about what I can do for her as a mentor. She also helps me develop as a better person. We learn from each other.


Mentee: Donisha, Matthew Gilbert Middle School 

  • What do you like most about your mentor?
    • I feel like she understands me and what I go through.
  • What is the best advice you have received from your mentor?
    • The best advice I received from her was to be myself and never feel self-conscious about it.
  • What is your favorite memory with your mentor so far?
    • It was one of the first times we met, and I learned that we had more in common that I originally thought.
  • What are some accomplishments that you have accomplished with your mentor?
    • She helped me improve academically and socially.