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Availity continues annual school-supply drop off at Ribault

September 1, 2016

For the past three years, Availity has been a partner with Achievers for Life and a major funder of Ribault Middle School, a full service school initiative.

For the past three years, Availity has been a partner with Achievers for Life and a major funder of Ribault Middle School, a full service school initiative. Providing back to school supplies and time, Availity continues to serve our community.

Delivering school supplies to 400 Achievers For Life students, Availity kicks off the school year annually by providing students with the materials they need for their educations. Going above and beyond, Availity has donated not only pencils and notepads, but also snacks to ensure proper nutrition and healthy minds

In addition to back to school effects, Availity provides mentors to students for one hour once a week. These mentors serve as supplements for the student’s educations, assisting them in their academic studies and helping to eliminate any non-academic barriers to success.

Availity employees delivered school supplies and snacks to benefit 400 Achievers For Life students at Ribault Middle School.

It’s thanks to the support of our corporate partners like Availity and Achievers for Life we guide the way towards a better future for our community.