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AFL Mentor Spotlight: Brent Hopkins
January 23, 2018

Mentee: Jymin, Arlington Middle School
- What do you like most about your mentor?
- That he helps me with my homework and makes it more understanding.
- What is the best advice you have received from your mentor?
- What is your favorite memory with your mentor so far?
- When they play Scrabble and I would beat him all the time.
- What are some accomplishments that you have accomplished with your mentor?
- He helped me bring my science grade up.
Mentor: Brent Hopkins, 1010XL
- What do you enjoy the most about mentoring?
- Sharing, listening, and observing mentee progress from an educational and social standpoint.
- How long have you been mentoring?
- What are some of things you and your mentee do during your session?
- Assignment/grade review, discussion about past and current week events at school and home. And SCRABBLE!
- What inspired you to become a mentor?
- A radio campaign – initially I helped orchestrate it through work to help recruit mentors, but it wasn’t long before I thought “why not me?”
- What are some goals that you and your mentee set?
- Grade improvement is the main goal – meeting all assignment deadlines, organization tactics, discipline, etc. Discussing how that will translate into him exceeding larger goals later in life.
- What is your favorite memory with your mentee so far?
- Throwing football and encouraging him to take photos with Jaguars players at (school sanctioned) event end of last year – he was so pumped!
- Is there anything you would like to share with others about your mentoring experience?
- One hour per week for you to make a difference – rest assured that you’ll receive more gratification than you think (or maybe even deserve) – absolutely worth it.
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