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AFL Mentor Spotlight: Melody Davis, Duval County Public Schools retiree

January 12, 2017



Mentor: Melody Davis, Duval County Public School retiree

  • What do you enjoy the most about mentoring?
    • I enjoy listening to young students talking about their classes and the things they like in life, including their goals. It gives me a chance to share what I liked and my goals when I was their age.
  • How long have you been mentoring?
    • I have been mentoring for six years at Fort Caroline Middle School.
  • What are some of things you and your mentee do during your session?
    • We read and discuss quote cards I bring each time on the themes of “Dream,” “Believe” and “Don’t Quit.”
    • Check on any concerns in any subjects, progress of grades and needs for school.
    • We have worked on goal setting and what it takes to reach those goals.
    • We have taught each other a game the other did not know.
    • We share from the book we are currently reading.
    • Conversations on different topics.
  • What inspired you to become a mentor?
    • The need was expressed at work, and our administration allowed us to do so, adding time to our lunch time to visit our mentee.  I had always worked in elementary schools, and the thought of partnering with a middle-school student was enticing.
  • What are some goals that you and your mentee set?
    • Read more books.
    • Improve grades.
  • What is your favorite memory with your mentee so far?
    • Hearing Michelle talk about playing an instrument in the band was priceless.  She was happy about it and was willing to share her up and down experiences.
  • Is there anything you would like to share with others about your mentoring experience?
    • Be a good listener.
    • Find out some likes of your mentee.
    • Do different activities and some the same each time.


Mentee: Michelle Green, seventh grade

  • What do you like most about your mentor?
    • MY Big Sister makes sure I am “on point,” asks how I am doing, is not rude, helps me set goals, and makes sure I keep my grades up.
  • What is the best advice you have received from your mentor?
    • If you want something go after it, and do not give up.
  • What is your favorite memory with your mentor so far?
    • The first day we met.
  • What are some accomplishments that you have accomplished with your mentor?
    • I achieved some of the goals me and my mentor set at the beginning of last year, such as work to get a phone, read books throughout the summer and start a car-washing business.


For information on how you can become an Achievers For Life mentor, visit: unitedwaynefl.org/achievers-for-life.