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AFL Mentor Spotlight: Jeff Smith

April 1, 2016

Jeff Smith, left, and Chase, his mentee

Jeff Smith, Duval County Public Schools and Smith Creative

1. What do you enjoy the most about mentoring?
The opportunity to support the academic and emotional growth of a child. Also, to be able to help the child further themselves and achieve their highest potential.

2. How long have you been mentoring?
I have been mentoring Chase for two years.

3. What are some of things you and your mentee do during your session?
We work on homework, talk about his art skills and Chase’s future in the creative industry.

4. What inspired you to become a mentor?
I have been a teacher for many years and love working with students and seeing the light in their eyes when they get something. Also, the personal mentors I had made me want to pay it forward.

5. What are some goals you and your mentee set?
Staying in contact with friends; do homework the day after he gets it and turn it in on time; organization; and focusing more time on his artwork.

6. What is your favorite memory with your mentee so far?
When I helped Chase develop an origami business plan and then watching him create some origami art.

7. Is there anything you would like to share with others about your mentoring experience?
I have really enjoyed watching Chase grow and learn about his family. We have developed a personal bond, and it has been great.


Chase Bedo, seventh grade

1. What do you like most about your mentor?
That he helps me with my homework and his origami.

2. What is the best advice you have received from your mentor?
When he helps me with my organization, he helps me stay on track.

3. What is your favorite memory with your mentor so far?
My favorite memory with Jeff was when he helped me develop an origami business plan.

4. What are some accomplishments you have accomplished with your mentor?
Jeff helped me bring my grades up from last year. The biggest change is in my math and science grades. I went from a D and F to an A and B.


For information on how you can become an Achievers For Life mentor, visit unitedwaynefl.org/achievers-for-life.